Wednesday, July 2, 2014

June Highlights

Call me crazy, but I feel like I just blinked and June was over! It really was filled with so many great memories as you can see from Instagram and here's the recap:

-Farmer's Market fun and picking up the prettiest bunch of sunflowers
-Dressing in neutrals and finally having sunglasses after too long
-Accidentally found myself at the Zara sale and picked up this outfit
-Birthday flowers and chai to match
-Grateful for not only the sweet gifts but time spent with my favorites on my birthday
-Can't get enough of the pink chairs at my favorite coffee shop
-Wanting all the peonies I can get my hands on
-The perfect top from my sister (she did good!)
-Exploring/working with Marissa in the LA Art's District and so amazed by that mural!

Do anything exciting in June? I wanna hear!


  1. Seems like you had a wonderful June! Happy 4th Holiday!

  2. what a lovely round up, so many pretty florals!
    Marie @ In Our Happy Place

  3. I feel the same way! Love all of these photos from June!

    xo Amy

  4. Gorgeous pictures! I'm loving that outfit you picked up at Zara!


  5. It looks like it was a great month! I love all the pictures. :)


Thank you so much for your comment! I try my best to respond to everyone!