Thursday, April 6, 2017

Upgraded Basics + Linkup

top c/o banana republic // jeans (on sale) // espadrilles (order 1/2 up) // jacket // hat 

If there's one lesson I've learned, fashion wise, it's basics are life to your wardrobe AND they don't have to be boring. I really wish I would have learned this a lot sooner. But I'm always find myself drawn to a great basic with details to impress. We all know black and white is classic--nothing new. It's when you find those special details, like the sleeve on this white top, it gives some personality to the look. And if I wasn't pretty casual, I could see this working with skirts and dressy pants for those who work in an office. I like knowing that, you know if I had a business attire job. 

Thank you for linking up with us! Our picks this week are Brittany from Kingdom of Sequins and Jill from Doused In Pink. 


  1. THat is a cute top, I like the detail on the sleeves and you're right it would be perfect in an office too :)

    Thank you for the link up!

    Hope you're having a great end to the week with a lovely weekend ahead!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  2. I totally agree about basics not being boring. I am living in them and learning that lesson now that I am home with Ivy more and wearing more casual things. Love your top!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  3. So pretty! Love your top and shoes!

    xx, Elise

  4. I love the sleeves on this top! Such a pretty basic!

  5. Such a pretty top! Love the sleeves!


  6. These upgraded basics are great. Banana Republic does it again! Love the top as well as your trench and shoes, Adri. =)

    I'd love for you to join my new Thursday Moda linkup this week and share your fantastic style with me and my readers. A brand-new linkup goes live every Wednesday night. Thanks and have the best weekend!

    <3 Ada.

  7. I love your outfit. I don;t know why but it give a vacation vibe !
    The Color Palette

  8. These are such great basics! I used to overlook more basic clothes thinking they were boring, but have realized that is what I love wearing and they really are anything but basic! Haha! They are the easiest to accessorize!

  9. I gushed about this look on your Instagram! So simple yet so beautiful, Adri!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane


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