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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Camping in White Plum

One of the greatest things about living in California is having the ability to jump in your car to hit the beach, countryside, or the mountains at a seconds notice. I really don’t take advantage of that enough. So when we got invited to a little camping trip about an hour away I talked my handsome guy into going because what’s the harm in adventuring the woods only an hour away from home. As amateur campers, I say that’s the best news. If it doesn’t work out, we can always go home.

Yes, this is what I wore camping.  Don’t you for a second think that this was glamping by any means. It was like 10 hours with tents and a sleeping bag (don’t try sharing sleeping bags-lesson learned you will freeze). While I have no clue what I am doing camping, I did know that these tribal printed leggings from White Plum were going to be the comfiest things ever. They totally were! They are like pajamas, stylish pajamas that you can wear outside your house and never want to take off.

But anyway have you heard of White Plum? White Plum is an online boutique that strives to bring cute clothes and accessories for busy gals (totally raising my hand here) and everything will make your wallet smile too (you bet another hand went up)! These leggings that I will be living in all Fall are just $19.99 and you can tell will totally hold up! They bring in new items weekly and have too many great picks like this blue printed maxi (only $25!). And even if you can’t get over the amazing prices already, White Plum is even offering 20% off with code ADRILATELY till 9/11. So go get your shop on!

Thanks so much for reading!
xo Adri
Outfit Deets:
Top: Forever 21 (old)
Leggings: c/o White Plum
Boots: DV by Dolce Vita (almost exact)


  1. Love this look! So relaxed yet chic at the same time!
    The Style Storm
    <3, Christina

  2. Perfect, love this whole look x

    Twitter: @thestylemma
    Instagram: @thestylemma
    Facebook: TheStylemma

  3. your camping attire sure beats mine this weekend. so chic

    mon | http://www.monsemble.ca

  4. Ooh I'm thrilled to learn about White Plum!!! And girl, I like your camping style...

  5. You are the cutest camper! I definitely wouldn't look that good if I was camping!
    Jeans and a Teacup

  6. Love this style! Can't wait to try it out sometime.

  7. I love White Plum. They have some of the cutest pieces!! And you are the cutest little camper I ever did see!! Love that you belted the tunic with the leggings! Super fun!

  8. Lovely look! Cute shoes!


  9. I smiled when you mentioned glamping! I'm definitely no camper! You look fantastic as always. I agree that leggings need to worn with a longer top, after all they're not tights! I like how you style the top with the belt.

  10. It's so funny, but I don't think any of us REALLY take full advantage of the good things about the places we live. I know I take where I live for granted a lot of the time too.

    I absolutely love everything about this outfit. The leggings are really cute and the top/hat combo work so well.

    Where are the necklaces from? They're gorg!

    xo Jackie

    Something About That

  11. Love this look! You're such a chic camper :)

    A new post is up on the blog. I'd love to hear your thoughts if you are able to drop by: http://www.fashchronicles.blogspot.com

  12. Haha, I would totally camp in this! I love your hat most of all. Hats are a camping essential of course, you don't want ticks falling in your hair!
    Chic on the Cheap

  13. I love how you styled this. The hat is perfect with the loose white top!


  14. Love your boots and leggings!

    Melanie | UnraveledThreads

  15. Bravo....I am so NOT a camper. The addition of the hat and belt as such great finishing touches for this look. Have a great weekend!

    xo, Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  16. I have never looked this pulled together camping! Love the effortless combo of the black and brown <3

    xoxo jenna @ sincerely jenna marie

    PS- make sure and stop by on Thursdays to link up!


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