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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Double Denim

top (go up a size if you have curvy hips) // jeans // espadrilles (go up 1/2 size) // sunglasses

So today was my birthday, but you're probably reading this the day after. And if you remember from this post, it was bringing some emotions. But I definitely have moved to a better place about it. Your comments were a big help and my girlfriends who just turned 3-0 made me laugh about it. We spent the day in Santa Barbara, which seems to be a running joke because we always tend to go there. I tried so hard to not go their this year, but life had other ideas. I guess it is where I belong. I am always happiest by the ocean.  Well seeing that I can't offer you birthday cake, I thought I'd share 30 things about me:
  • I'm LA born and raised, which is unheard of
  • Over the past year, I've become matcha latte snob
  • I've never stepped inside a gym to actually workout
  • I'm scared out of my whits of snakes. I almost backed out of trip to Costa Rica because of that
  • You're looking at a vegetarian of 10 years. But technically I'm pescatarian. I eat some seafood on occasions 
  • By day, I work for a parenting website where I have learned waaayyy too much about pregnancy, birth and motherhood
  • If calories didn't count, I would eat pizza and ice cream daily
  • Wine trumps beer
  • Italy will forever been a place I fell in love with before I went
  • Growing up I always wanted a cat, but was allergic
  • Up until the last 6 months, I've always had a pet
  • I'm more of morning person, except I'm slowing becoming a person who hits the snooze button (I blame the boyfriend on that)
  • People have a hard time figuring out what ethnicity I am and I enjoy that
  • And I'm 4th generation Mexican
  • My Spanish is on par with a five year-old
  • My boyfriend and I did long distance for THREE AND A HALF YEARS 
  • I'm usually one of the most unflexible people at yoga
  • Yoga is the only form of exercise that I've stuck to
  • I'd rather go barefooted as much as possible (maybe that's why I like yoga)
  • My best friend and I have known each other since we were five
  • My tastebuds are not a fan of coffee, but my nose is
  • Oddly, I sometimes can drive without music 
  • My dream is to move near the beach someplace that I don't have to deal much traffic
  • While I've always loved fashion, my style has taken a shift over the past year. Is this me getting old?
  • For college, I majored in Fashion Marketing (totally fitting right?)
  • I never understood all the fuss about Madewell, but now I have a full-blown addiction
  • I feel like my least self when I wear red lipstick
  • Parallel parking is not my talent
  • The only traffic violation I've had was a fix it ticket
  • I have this weird love for NYC even though I crave peace and calm
And a big applause if you read through all 30 things! If there's something you'd love to know, ask away. 

P.S there is a giveaway going on! I'd love for you to get to know this cute shop and win some shopping money!

Flashback Fashion Friday Link Up

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Happy Birthday! I loved reading these 30 facts about you. I'm also loving that cute denim top!

  2. Ok, I really need those espadrilles! They look like they go with everything!

  3. Happy Birthday Adri!! I loved reading all 30 things about you. It was informative, clever and funny! Love your look too, your top is so pretty!

    xx, Elise

  4. Happy birthday! Great double denim and those espadrilles are beyond fabulous.

  5. Happy birthday!! I had trouble with 30 too, so I get it. I love this list! So fun to learn more about you. I happen to love that you are so knowledgeable about pregnancy/parenting because you use it to be so supportive and kind. I also love that you listed that you were 4th generation Mexican right before your Spanish being on par with a 5 year old. LOL. I hope you have a great weekend friend!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  6. Happy Birthday, Adri!! Loved reading these 30 facts! Steve and I were long distance for about 4 years so if you got through that you can get through anything! And I always wanted a cat too but I think I'm allergic :-( Your 30's are going to be great! I didn't do anything crazy to celebrate my 30th (two years ago...yikes!) so don't put pressure on yourself to make it a big deal. You have many more exciting and stylish years to come!


  7. Happy Birthday, Adri! That was a super fun read. And believe me when I say....you only get better with age! My 30's were way better than my 20's and my 40's are proving to be so fabulous that I actually am looking forward to my 50's. Keep rocking!


  8. Happy Birthday! Turning 30 didn't hit me so hard, but right now I'm facing the big 3-5 in the next week! Yikes! You look beautiful and it's fun learning more about you!


  9. Love how super simple but edgy this look is! Love that top!

    Abby | Life in the Fash Lane

  10. Happy late birthday! I enjoyed reading your 30 facts...I'm with you about Italy and Yoga! The outfit is simple, but so cute. I always add just a little too much. This is def a "less is more" and send me those shoes please. ;)

    Thank you for linking up with Fabulous Friday!


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