top c/o tobi // jeans (my favorite high waisted pair!) // espadrilles (go half size up) // purse // hat // rings
The thing about my style over the years has become rather casual. Maybe it's my go with the flow attitude. Maybe it's just the LA vibes. But it comes down to knowing what I feel best in and repeating that formula over and over. So you can say I've grown my collection of stripe tops and jeans this summer. While it might seem redundant to keep buying stripes, I know that those are the pieces that will get worn. It's about finding different variations that keep it interesting, even if you're actually just wearing a stripe top+jeans+espadrilles practically everyday. Needless to say, the second I saw this stripe cold-shoulder number from Tobi, it was a must! It made for the perfect top to throw on right because of course my other half gave me a time limit to get ready this weekend. So maybe that's really why I have an outfit formula...jk!
Do you have an outfit formula that you constantly go back to?

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